Our overall mission is to provide high-quality, wholesome Halal food to the Islamic community
We achieve this through our strategy, products, brands, customers, employees and our values which are:
- Trust – To be the most highly accredited Halal producer in the UK. All our fresh products are accredited by either HMC or HFA so there can be no doubt to our customers that they can have trust in our Halal credibility.
- Welfare – Adhering strictly to all legislation regarding animal welfare. We have constant onsite FSA presence and monitoring in our UK manufacturing facility. Muslims are taught through the Qur’an that all animals are to be treated with respect and be well cared for. We ensure this by our Halal accreditation bodies being in constant attendance throughout the manufacturing process.
- Quality and food safety – All meat used is either British or Irish origin and is farm assured. Our Shazans fresh brand is Red Tractor approved. Our manufacturing site is BRC A grade, and we have complete chain of custody on all the meat used in our fresh products from farm to fork.
- Fairness – we are a member of Sedex ensuring our sourcing and employment policies are ethical and fair
- Sustainability – we strive to ensure that our environmental impact is minimised by actively looking for recyclable packaging, minimising our energy usage and striving towards carbon neutrality by 2030